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Law Office of Michael D. Waks

California’s Governor Signs New Bill Paving the Way for Automatic Speed Cameras in Six Local Cities

Gavel with scales

In a move aimed at enhancing road safety, California’s Governor, Gavin Newsom, recently signed a bill that could potentially introduce automatic speed cameras in six major Californian cities. This development brings with it both applause and apprehension. But what does it really mean for the residents of California, especially from a personal injury perspective?

Understanding the Basics: What are Automatic Speed Cameras?

Automatic speed cameras, often known as speed enforcement cameras, are designed to detect vehicles traveling over the speed limit. If a vehicle is clocked going faster than allowed, the system will automatically capture images and details, potentially resulting in a ticket for the driver.

Why the Push for Speed Cameras?

Research has shown that speed is a primary contributor to road accidents, with higher speeds often resulting in more severe injuries. By introducing these cameras, authorities aim to:

The Implications for Personal Injury Cases

From a personal injury perspective, the introduction of automatic speed cameras can have several implications:

Who Will Be Affected?

According to the bill, speed cameras will be authorized in the following six California cities:


While the introduction of automatic speed cameras in California’s six major cities marks a significant step in the realm of road safety, it’s essential to remain vigilant. As drivers, the ultimate responsibility of keeping roads safe still lies with us. And as potential victims, knowing our rights and staying informed will always be our best defense.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a speed-related accident or any other traffic incident, contact a skilled personal injury attorney today for expert guidance and representation. 

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