Few events can upend your life like a car accident with an uninsured motorist. If you suffered an injury or property damage due to another driver’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to pay for medical bills and vehicle repairs out of your own pocket. Fortunately, even if the at-fault driver’s insurance coverage has lapsed, you may still be able to recover compensation. Depending on the facts surrounding your case, your attorney might recommend the following options: 1. Filing a Claim Against Your … [Read more...]
Umbrella Coverage: A Potential Source of Recovery in Tort Claims
Recovering a fair settlement after a serious injury or wrongful death is a tricky process that may involve several insurance policies. Ideally, the person or entity that caused your injury or loss will have liability insurance that covers such scenarios, whether it was a car accident, slip and fall, product defect, etc. In addition to auto, home, and renter’s insurance, some defendants have umbrella coverage. This is extra liability insurance that will kick in if the policyholder is held … [Read more...]
How much Uninsured Motorist Coverage Should I Carry?
California requires drivers to have liability coverage, but many motorists do not follow the law. The Insurance Research Council reports the state of California has the highest number of uninsured motorists nationwide. According to their data, in 2012 there were 4.1 million uninsured motorists in California. If you are involved in a crash with a driver who has no insurance, or if you are involved in a collision with a hit-and-run driver, you may have a difficult time getting your … [Read more...]
What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
In my 30+ years as a personal injury attorney I’ve interviewed thousands of people who've been injured in motor vehicle accidents, and it is amazing how few have either no, or insufficient, uninsured/underinsured (UM) motorist coverage. The most common reason for this is that many people do not understand what uninsured motorist coverage is and how much it protects them if they are in a car accident. The Difference Between Uninsured Motorist Coverage and Underinsured Motorist Coverage Let’s … [Read more...]